Schlagwort-Archive: FACE

Federation of Film Academies Europe (FACE) launched

On 11 July 2024, the European Film Academy and Film Academies of 20 countries have gathered in Luxembourg founding the Federation of Film Academies Europe (FACE), a pan-European film body, officially registered in Luxembourg.
The Federation emerged from a desire to formalize the relationships between these academies, which have been collaborating since 2006 through the Film Academy Network Europe, organised by the European Film Academy. Members of this network, all of whom are bodies presenting their respective national or regional film awards and the European Film Awards – have been meeting regularly in order to share insights and developments, and to develop ideas for joint activities to promote European cinema, join efforts to integrate diversity, inclusion and sustainability into their work, and to strengthen collaboration on film education and audience development within Europe.

As of today, the Film Academy Network ceases to exist and evolves into a new Federation. Under the umbrella of the new Federation, the European film academies are joining forces to represent their shared interests together and where possible synergise the range of work they do for the various parts of the industry. This will include lobbying with European and national policy makers, in order to ensure that European cinema continues to be regarded both as an important cultural asset and as a substantial economic factor. The future of European film needs to be jointly defended and supported by film academies all over the continent. This includes film education, membership engagement and film heritage projects, all in which sustainability, diversity and inclusion are key elements. The Federation wishes the work of film academies to be considered a quintessential part of any European film policy development. With all members of the European film academies the new Federation brings together around 20,000 people. 
The new structure will allow the academies joint and more concerted actions on the European and international stage.
“As a network of film academies, we have grown over the past 18 years. More and more, and especially since the COVID pandemic, we have witnessed how much we have in common and how beneficial it is for all of us to share experiences and join forces, says Matthijs Wouter Knol, board member of the new federation and CEO and Director of the European Film Academy. “It is exciting to now embark on this new chapter by establishing a Federation. Revitalising collaboration in Europe is essential in times in which the relevance of cultural policy and support for European cinema are openly questioned.”
Yann Tonnar, President of the Luxembourg Film Academy and chair of the Federation board, states: “The Federation is a circle of cultural solidarity, stretching across the continent, uniting our diverse and unique voices in cinema, to be heard and seen wherever needed. Luxembourg is honoured to be the home base of this inspiring new Federation.”

  • Austria: Akademie des Österreichischen Films (Austrian Film Academy)
  • Belarus: Беларуская незалежная кiнаакадэмiя (Belarusian Independent Film Academy)
  • Belgium: Académie André Delvaux (André Delvaux Academy)
  • Catalonia: Acadèmia del Cinema Català (Catalan Film Academy)
  • Czech Republic: Česká filmová a televizní akademie (Czech Film and Television Academy)
  • Denmark: Danmarks Film Akademi (Danish Film Academy)
  • European Film Academy
  • Germany: Deutsche Filmakademie (German Film Academy)
  • Greece: Ελληνική Ακαδημία Κινηματογράφου (Hellenic Film Academy)
  • Iceland: Íslenska kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsakademían (Icelandic Film and Television Academy)
  • Israel: האקדמיה הישראלית לקולנוע וטלוויזיה (Israel Academy of Film and Television)
  • Italy: Accademia del Cinema Italiano (Italian Academy of Cinema)
  • Luxembourg: d’Filmakademie (Luxembourg Film Academy)
  • Netherlands: DAFF (Dutch Academy for Film)
  • Norway: Norsk Filmforbund (Norwegian Film Academy)
  • Poland: Polska Akademia Filmowa (Polish Film Academy)
  • Portugal: Academia Portuguesa de Cinema (Portuguese Academy of Cinema)
  • Slovakia: Slovenská filmová a televízna akadémia (Slovak Film and Television Academy)
  • Spain: Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España (Spanish Academy of Cinematic Arts and Sciences)
  • Switzerland: Schweizer Filmakademie / Académie du Cinéma Suisse / Accademia del Cinema Svizzero (Swiss Film Academy)
  • Ukraine: Українська Кіноакадемія (Ukrainian Film Academy)


  • Katharina Albrecht (deputy chair)
    CEO, Akademie des Österreichischen Films (Austrian Film Academy)
  • Laia Aubia (secretary)
    Director, Acadèmia del Cinema Català (Catalan Film Academy)
  • Jenny Booms
    Director, Dutch Academy for Film
  • Diogo Camões
    Director geral, Academia Portuguesa de Cinema (Portuguese Academy of Cinema)
  • Jacob Neiiendam (treasurer)
    Danmarks Film Akademi (Danish Film Academy)
  • Yann Tonnar (chair)
    President, d’Filmakademie (Luxembourg Film Academy)
  • Matthijs Wouter Knol
    CEO and Director, European Film Academy